Bollywood star Aamir Khan, who is on a high after sharing the stage with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, has confirmed that he plays a full-fledged part in his wife Kiran Rao's directorial debut "Dhobi Ghaat".
"The cat is finally out of the bag. I'm playing one of the leads in Kiran's film 'Dhobi Ghaat', " Aamir posted on his blog.
The confirmation came after certain sections of the media began speculating over the length of his role in the film. Earlier it was reported that Aamir is just doing a cameo.
Aamir says the details about his role were kept secret because his wife didn't want to attract unnecessary attention to her film.
"The reason we kept this under wraps is that she didn't want to attract much attention to her film. She wanted to make this film on real locations with a tiny crew, very guerrilla style. So we had to do it very quietly. And
for once we managed to keep a secret from the media, at least until we finished the shoot, " he wrote.
The 44-year-old actor has also disclosed that the shooting of his much-awaited "3 Idiots" has come to an end. Directed by Rajkumar Hirani, the film is based on Chetan Bhagat's bestseller "Five Point Someone".
"The principal photography on '3 Idiots' is complete. We have one song left which Raju wants to shoot in September. Yesterday, he began work on the post (production). Good god, I'm getting butterflies in my stomach
already, " wrote Aamir.
Aamir also wrote about his meeting with Clinton, with whom he participated in an education initiative at St. Xaviers' College here last week.
"It was a real pleasure to meet with her (Hillary Clinton). I found Clinton to be an extremely warm and charming person. And she has such sharp and clear thoughts, and expresses herself so well. It was quite a
privilege to meet with her, " he wrote.
Saturday, July 25, 2009 10:38 IST